Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Your truly, miss mary...

my birthday is coming upp:) i am sooo exicted. well not reaally since all i am going to do is stay up until midnight, sleep in late, get my permit, drive with my mom to get my nails done, and hang out with KERA!! gotta love kera. soo kera hasnt been blogging much. and i know why but you cant tell anybody... okkkayy she has a BOYFRIEND. hes a cutie in a bestfriend kinda way. like goood looks, nice bodyy haa, and sweet to HER. Hes perfect for her. soo right now keras mom is being a b-otch. majjoorr:)

Deep, heart felt random questions @mary

1. What is more difficult for you; looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?
the second one. i mean when someone is telling me something heart felt, what am i sopossed to do? kiss and scream with joy, or look straight in their eyes. i really dont know.
2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry.
i barely ever get mad. EVER! but i do remember 3 times i was really mad. one was when a boy kept torrmenting me on something that was extrememly embarssing for me. two when a boy i liked said he could never marry me becuase i am to hyper. and three when a boy 3 way called me but i didnt know about that, so i said some awful things.
3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You get enough time to make ONE phone call. Who would you call?
whoaaa. intense question. well i know every single persons number that i have ever talked to practically. (my one and only talent) haa. so maybe my parents telling them i love them, or maybe if i was in love with a guy i would call and tell him that i loved him. or if i had kids i would call them and tell them that i loved them!
4. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a)im sure i would tell everybody i know. (or my parents would)
b) i would hope my parents would agree on takeing me to see the world:)
c) very afraid i would probebly cry for days.
5. You can have one of the following two things: trust/love.
love. i mean hard question. i really care about trust but so many people i love have broken their trust with me that know i dont even care.
6. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
out of the kindess of my heart. i would save that dog. 
7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
venice, italy
8. Think of the last person who you really knew that died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give one year of your life. Do you?
n/a i just really dont know.

9. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?

hmmmm. i will get back to you on that

10. Does love = sex?

i was raised in a religous family, and we dont talk about sex. sooo next question!
11. Your best friend dies, what would you do?
 cry a shitload. .
12. When and how was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt?
i tell my boyfriend ever day how much i miss him and how much i like him. and it was honest

13. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?

second one. that is soo very heart breaking for some one to give/ see
14. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
beliveing in god
15. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them?
family love. every time i end a call with my mom i say that i love her:) 
16. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, if you HAD to, even if you had “no regrets” what would it be?
that one night...
17. Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. Who do you call?
im never alone. i refuse to be:) haa but if i was i would call my mom or my dad and tell them to come on over. 
18. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?
out of the kindness of my heart. and really who wouldnt? but slight problem i really dont know how to give cpr...
19. Are you old fashioned?
i wish i grew up in the 50's im obssed with vintage clothing and old postcards. whenever in goodwill looking for books i always go for the old strached up books. those are the books with a two storys behind them :P
20. Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?
i would chose the first one i mean, deep down thats everybodys answer right?
21. If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?
give me some time to think about it please!

Random Questions Please Comment And Answer:)

36 questions. Please answer! very curious:)

Most people call you:

how old are you?

how old were you when you were potty trained?

do you have any addictions? (example, facebook, phones, etc)

relationship status?

what is your longest relationship?

how old were you when you had your first kiss?

how old were you when you first made out (french kissing)?

something that you will never forget?

something you hate?

something you love?

have any fears?

shoe size?

favorite book?

Pepsi or coke?

if you were trapped on a deserted island for 60 nights and 60 days what 5 items would you take with you?

first thing on your bucket list?

how many kids to do you have?

how many kids do you want?

favorite part about being in love? (if you have been in love before)

favorite clothing brand?

Have you ever met anybody famous? if so how? 

you fall asleep at what time on average?

ever been on a blind date?

best piece of advice ever received?

bestfriends name?

do you have any tattoos?

ran a mile?

ever gone skinny dipping?

any piercings?

hotel or motel?

what do you think will happen in December 2012?

what magazines do you read?

have you ever been to jail?

ever been heart broken?

where were you when you found out about 9/11?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I bet you don't know me @mary

My middle name:
my bday:
My favorite food:
fav color:
fav song:
what i wear on my wrist:
single or taken?
where i work?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some ways to make yourself seem insane:) @mary

1. Follow them around the house everywhere.
2. Moo when they say your name.
3. Run into walls.
4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.
5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine
6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"
7. Slither everywhere
8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time.
9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!"
10. Chase an imaginary tail

11. Break up with yourself
12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people.
13. At everything they say yell, Liar.
14. Try to swim in the floor.
15. Tap on their door all night
*i found some of these on

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How 2 Rock High School@mary

Money is the center of all people, fakeness is the center of all high school. -ilikeweyli

Here are my tips on loving high school.

1. Homework is a big part of high school, you probably will get at least an hour of homework a night. high school will be a success for you if you do your homework. promise!

2. STUDY! no matter how hard to worked all year, it all comes down to the finals which can be worth 25% or more of you total grade.

3. dont protastianete. be a self started and get the most important thigns done first

1. find the fake people and have nothing to do with them. fake people will lie/cheat/steal to get on top and you dont want to be associated with somebody like that. ewww

2. know where you fit in, and dont push your boundaries. people hate it when unpopular people want to become popular. be nice and friends will come your way

3. have fun, good, clean friends. know who your true friends are

i hope this helped. have any tips/tricks/ideas just comment!

love, mary

What i learned in sex ed @mary

rated PG 13- may have adult content and refrences to sexual stuff.
this content is not advised for the younger audience.

so during my freshman sex ed class i learned these things:

hiv/aids/pregnancy result from having sex

homosexual people are more likely to get hiv

condoms arent 100%

its hard to be a teen parent

be careful

haaa. i learned absoulety nothing. i knew all of this before this class so tell me why i have to take it in 7th 8th and 9th? hmmm stupiddddd.

Meaning of life.@mary

heey everybody looking for some cool ways to exsperince life to the fullest, cool quotes, and bucket list items from real people? just follow @_mybucketlist on twitter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Update: finals, hot box && dance @mary

Heyy girls and guys.

Its mary here, the one who has hazel eyes, who is tall, and blonde. remember me?
OKAY so i have a geometry test tomorrow:)
and a geometry final on friday and monday
and a geometry end of coarse exam in 2 weeeks. YUMMM!

kera has the same thing. lammmeee

hotbox: so i am running for office (to be an officer) or a group at my high school. and me and 27 other people ran. there is 12 positions. and we have to sit in the hot box....uggg....

dance: for the formal for freshman i am going with a black man....

and thats about it...

time to go study

25 minutes studying for test tomorrow
25 minutes reading for my reading requirement
5 minutes organizing my binder.
10 minutes studying for my vocab quiz.
15 minutes studying for end of coarse exam.

it is 6 pm right now so that would mean that if i start (soon) i would be working until 7:20. not that bad. my i might need to read longer since 1000 read pages are due like in 2 weeks yumm!!

i love you and you and you
&&& jesus christ<3

lovveee marrrryyyy:)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Update of My Life- Keraa):

so im at marrys.. soo fun but i dont feel very yummy): everything is weird and upside down it feels like riht now in my life. my v-word hurts, no more soccer bc im not GOOD enough for them anymore, no date to a very thought was gonna be a great night but not to sure anymore night, no boyfriend or even close, my mom thinks im a lesbian with Marry (not true) , my tummy hurts like a beoootch!, my family think its funny that no guys like me, i guess eeryone thinks im mean when i act myself, i HAVE  to get a summer job curtousy of my mother, summer wont come soon enough, i really like a guy that wont make a move and another one that falls for all the wrong girls A.K.A whores, and i cant tell anyone this bc i really am scared of what someone would think.. ugh life!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Miss Little No Talents @mary

Hey everybody it is mary here (the one who posts a lot, the one who has hazel eyes, the girl who is random and too hyper).

anyways i have a major problem. would you all like to know about it? okay well i have no talents (sad face). i told this super hot guy that and he said you are good a piano, and the funny thing is that he is 25 times better than me:) got to love nice people. 

so sometimes i wonder what i was born to do. but i mean right now my life is focused on school, and just having fun. i dont want to cry any tears over guys, so i am just not gonna let myself fall for another disappointment guy. 

my point is that right now i dont reaaly care about if i have a talent. becuase one day when i am not exspecting it a hidden talent will hit me in the face. and it wll be the best punch ever:)

UPDATE: i amm soooo bored.

i love everybody who has a kind heart:0


marry is the name


Drops of Jupiter- Train
Favorite Part: 
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you
Even when I know you're wrong?

Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance
Five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had, and me?
Don't Stop Believin- Journey
A singer in a smoky room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Born This Way- Lady Gaga
My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are
She said, 'cause He made you perfect, babe
So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far
Listen to me when I say

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

S&M- Rhinanna
Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me



Butterflies Go Way @mary

Hey all you cuties out there (includes everyone).

So tomorrow at 7 am(wednesday) i am going to my high school and getting on a bus that will take me to an university in my state about 6 hours away. With about 50 other kids. For 5 days i will stay there. i am soo excited. but i really haven't been away from home that long. but thats okay i will have fun. however i am competing. so i have a super amount of butterflies.

i will miss you kera. lots of love my little squirell. <<<<<<(do you remember that)

i love you babes.

Mary will miss everybody!



(new post up soon)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Where have we been? @mary

Heey all of my beautiful bloggers, how are you this fine evening? Well this is just an update on where i have been. Too start off sorry i havent been posting very much and that is becuase i have been really busy. Mostly school stuff and guys. But that is where i have been. Soo thats it! Come back tomorrow for a new post!
Peace, mary:)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grounded --Kera(:

so i have been grounded all Easter weekend.. its been so nice and sunny... well lucky me!! and to add salt to the wound my dad looks at me and says...
"You know this is the first weekendend i haven't seen Mary in 6 months."
Well no effing kidding yah dumb!!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

So Effing Tired!! --Kera(:

Soo, me and Mary have been up since 7:15 working our butts off at the farm for an Easter celebration thing. We ate soooo many omeletes and a couple hot dogs. Yumm(: Then we followed around checking out this super hot cadet guy and his friends.. Delicious!! Soo we walked probably about 7 miles all together today.. what a work out?!?!?! Ten minutes before the event started we tried to get into Mary's  grandmas house to change our shoes but guess what happenend.... The stupid effing alarm went off soo we were standing there with the sirens buzzing trieng to guess the code then we ran away to go find her dad and everyone was staring at us. thats not even the worst part because it was alarming the WHOLE ENTIRE FARM! it was funny shoulda been there. anyways bout to go to my house and Mary is coming along(: planning on staying together all weekend should be pretty fly like a G5(;


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pain can bring people closer???? --Kera(:

soo guess what everyone...... i have a headache!!! and guess who made it go away almost>>> Quinn(:
and yesterday i was freezing!! he let me wear his jacket<3 it was like a dress but oh well



Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yay(: --Kera(:

Soo Finally! i think that Quinn is starting to like me! double yay! can't wait for school tomorrow!! But im gonna be soo lonely without my Mary there): thats gonna be saddddd... ugh can't wait till Tuesday so me and Mary can be in sync together!(:



Monday, April 4, 2011

Lets Play Some 20 questions:)

him: Do you wanna play 20 questions?

me: okay you start

*ugg he is taking forever to respond*
*omggg hurry the eff up*
*blahhhhh bored out of my mind, watching kate+8:)*
*oh my freakin goodness, hurry up*

him: 1. why do you like me

*ommgg i barely like you and i have no idea why i freakin like hime uggg, what should i say?*

me: reasons

*haaa sooo not gonna tell him*

him: what have to answer

*wow since when are you the boss of me?*
*what i want to say is: because beneath all of your bullshit i see your actually a nice person*
*can i say that? or is that to meann. uggg i need keras input of coarse she is not answering her phone...*

me: becuase you are sweet and funny and cool

*ugg i hate telling people why i like them its soo annoyingg*

him: oh lol

me: so who do you like?

him: idk you tell me

*so i am done with this conversation he is very much so annoying me. soo byee!*

sadness! --Kera

Soo im going to miss my bestest friend in the whole widest of worlds Mary when she goes to vegas!! aweee!!!):



Sunday, April 3, 2011

Things everybody should know @mary

Stick and stones and weed and bones<3 funny part of a good song "Paper Planes" look it up lol. i dont smoke weed fyi

Here is some facts that everybody should know:)

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. so refrigerate them:)

On average 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents. keep a good eye on your baby

Chocolate kills dogs. So keep it away the yummy

Marylyn Monroe had six toes on one foot. Nobody perfect. obviously

Yo yo's were once used as weapons. be careful

After about 9 days with no sleep you will die. get some sleep

China has more english speaking people than the united states. no comment:)

250 different kinds of bacteria are exchanged when making out. i would take that risk;)

Honey is the only food that wont go bad. Stock up:)

Most lipstick is made with fish in it. yumm

Random thoughts for the random people who read this blog:)


*found this info from random websites.

How i make extra cash:) @mary

Hey all you readers out there.
this post is gonna be based around how teenagers like me can make some extra cash.
Im sure almost all the teens in this big beautiful world want some extra cash for candy, clothes, or anything we want. lol?
 OKAY so this is how i make extra cash, and about how much money i make from doing these things. Just to remind you that these prices are what people pay me, so you could make less or more.

Babysitting: probely the most famous job for teens. i babysit my neighboors who have 4 kids so i make around 10 dollars a hour.

tutoring: this may be hard for some of you people, who dont like to teach or dont have the time. but i tutor this 10 year old kid for about 20 dollars each time. soo yepp

cleaning my garage and barn: my dad pays me about 20 bucks to clean either one of those. i clean them maybe every 6 months (it dosnt get messy quick)

washing my parents car: my parents pay me about 5 bucks to clean their car. fun and easy(exclamation point)

mowing our yard: i dont get paid to do this, but sometimes i do 5 bucks sometimes

just asking for more chores: i just ask my mom for some ways to make money and she usaully has stuff she dosnt want to do.:)

these are the ways that i make money. i would love to see how other people make some extra cash:)

keep it safe,
mary <3

Teenagers Working @mary

Places that hire teens:
CVS-17 and up
Nike Stores- age 16 for apparel
Wendys- 16
Safeway-14 for some postitions and then up
Starbucks-16, but 14 years of age in Montana
Pizza Hut- 16 and up
Sears- 18 and up
Chuck E Cheese- 16 and up
Foot Locker- 16 and up
Jcpenny- 16 and up
Macys- 16 and up
Barnes and noble- 16 and up
Subway- 16 and up
Baskin Robins- sometimes 14 and 15 and up
Walmart- 14, 15 and 16

i found this information at

Okay so now that i gave you a list of places that hire teens, the best thing to do is take you mommy to one of these places and apply:)
*money is power
*so is knowledge

Right now i am currently working at my familys business. however i really want to try to work somewhere else just for the expserince, places that i am thinking about are:
baskin robins
foot locker

hmmm i am probebly going to work at starbucks becuase there are soo many near me:)

comment and follow:)

Wally World, Jersey Shore, and all that jazz @mary

Daily Blog Day 2:
9:30am- Me and Kera woke up (we had a sleepover)
9:40- Kera's dad picked her up
9:50- My dad made me 4 pancakes:) yummmmy
10:30- I got really bored. asked dad to take me to his work
11:15- went to this horse place with my dad
11:30- went to walmart and got food
12:20- Went to blimpie (its like a subway)
12:30- got sick, didnt want to go to my dads work anymore. went home
1:00-5:00- sat around, went on computer, watched jeresy shore
5:10- grandma came over for dinner
5:13- RIGHT NOW lol blogging about my day.

So i went to walmart and bought 10 towels for our house. yeppp thats swager:)


Feeling So Fly Like A G5 @mary

So here is a update on mary (me).
sooooo im feeling kinda sick. like a headache and tired.
and i have been this way for like 2 days now.
I got like 10 hours of sleep last night.
but i am still like in a tired state of mind.
hmmm i wonder if im dieing
i hope not
much love,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How it all started(: --Kera

It was the the beginning of our eight grade year and we knew each other but didn't know each other. we became more of friends as we started to talk more and more after our 7th grade math class last year. (we got in trouble alot in there!!)
anyways,,,, we became the best of friends and have pretty much been inseperable. People often think that we are twins hahaha i guess we could pull that off. Were the type of girls that are completley different but completley alike at the same time.. figure it out if you want tooo(: we can understand eachother without talking (leadership moment!!!), we are in sync 100% of the time, and this is too be continued as it is night time!!! good night all of my fellow bloggers!!(:



Danceing In The Pouring Rain @mary

My Daily Blog Day 1:

Me and Kera got bored one night while we had a sleepover at my house. it was about 5 o'clock or so, it was sorter dark outside (gotta love this awkward winter/spring thing going on). and we just dieceded to put some shorty shorts on and a white top(ironic since it was pourrrriiinnggg rain) like really hard (thats what she said;)). haa so we just ran in the rain. for the first time we just let everything go. it was so funn to just drop all that highschool stress and just dance and run and play in some freezing cold pouring rain. We took some pictures to but they wernt really that good:/// soo then we took some tampons out in the rain and watched them soak up some good nature:) yummmmm. so what a good night. and then we dried off. and then we were really tired and so we started to go to sleep. and then keras dad just came and picked her up!! how rudee!


Beiber Fever Shall We? @mary

j_u_s_t_i_n  b_i_e_b_e_r  there is me being my creative little self. haa gotta love mee (exclamtion point). soo im sure everybody knows about the fomous, the hott, the sexy, non other than j_u_s_t_i_n  b_i_e_b_e_r. gotta love his name. its just works so well together like peanuts and jelly. or berry to whipped cream. lol im being really weird in this post. its kinda freaking me out. im sorry for all y'all serious people out there. im not like that. 
so here is my absoulety favorite picture of all freakin time. i love this picture so much becuase its hard to  explain. but its sooo cute..... andd here we gooooooo:
i dont own this! i dont own this!
which came first the chicken, the egg, or the cow. battle it out in the comment section. gotta go eat some meat. no a vegetarian, cuzz i like protein:)

The Do's and Don'ts with your girlfriend! --Kera

  • Smilee
  • Laugh
  • Tell her she's beautiful
  • always be there for her
  • share all your secrets
  • be her knight in shining armour
  • show her off to the world
  • kiss her slowly
  • help her get through the pain
  • always show her that you love her
  • sing to her
  • make her feel special
  • share your feelings


  • ignore her
  • cheat
  • hide her away
  • keep secrets
  • be ashamed (you don't deserve her then)
  • never call her first
  • don't want her to hang out with your friends with you
  • not kiss her good night
  • tell her nothing
  • be cheesy


Life's Precious Baby @mary

Life is so precious.
and i want to live everyday to the absoulete most.

make mistakes, make art, make time, make love, make happiness -tommy love

My Beautiful Bucket List
1. Have children & watch them grow
2. Grow old with a husband
3. Travel The WHOLE world
4. Help the blind
5. Make happiness
6. Be a home owner
7. Live on a boat for a year with the love of my life
8. Be a maid of honor
9. Be a hero
10. Find a cure 
11. Go to a drive in movie
12. Run a 5 minute mile (almost there!)
13. Get my belly button peirced
14. Get a statement tattoo
15. Go skinny dippin'
16. Fall out of love (want to know what that feels like)
17. Be a role model
18. Love my career/job
19. Not care
20. To not judge
21. Meet Oprah
22. Meet Justin Bieber and congratulate him on his pretty girlfriend
23. Dance in the Rain (KERA AND I JUST DID THAT)
24. Be a grandmother
25. Become fat, and then run it all off <3
26. Make a Change
27. Save a life
28. Make art

So i just made a list post, i do that alot. weird right? next post might be about my life, or something.

Peace ☮ Love <3 Happiness :D

**Smile** (might as well)

All about Kera --Kera

Soo my name is Kera!(:

i love to hangout with friends and listen to most of the different types of music.
I'm a blonde with shockingly blue eyes(: I'm short, 5'2"
My favorite colors are lime green and purple.
I love to meet new people even though some people think i'm mean, it's just because they  never took the time to get to know the real me or because they aren't worth my time.
If i love you enough ill give you second chances maybe even more then that.
That doesn't mean that you can push me around though because if it comes to fight or flight, i will definatley fight.
I love to play soccer (forward!!)
and i most of the time have a potty mouth:/ haha but most people get over that.
I have three amazing best friends that i couldn't even imagine to live without.
I judge people, but can change my mind about them.
The first impression means the most to me.
I laugh alot and don't show my emotions too much, rarely ever.
My friends say im a good secret keeper so i could be your girl for that(:
I've been single for about 10 months now (not too sure if thats a good or bad thing yet).
I REALLY like Quin and have for 7 months now. ugh!
My friends and family mean the world to me! don't mess with them.
People talk shit but i just ignore them because words can't bring me down!(:
I'm always looking for someone who is nice and funny to hangout with.
I'm afraid of getting hurt so i don't fall very easily.?
I'm not afraid of going for what i believe in
I can't live without my Phone!! haha
I usually fight off the firls that get in the way of getting a guy!(;
*Hint: hes mine bitchh.. get over it*
yes it's true(:
I'm not afraid to reach for the stars even though i might not get there
I have big dreams and i know they won't all come true but im gonna try(:



Mary loves you (haa i just hacked into this post) :))) bff foreveraaaa

Things I Look 4 in Guys @mary

i know everybody always as a little checklist in the back of there mind in which states things or qualities they like in the gender they are attracted to. assuming most of my readers are girls im going to focus on qualities most girls like in guys. and then my checklist i give for guys.

Random Thought: There is a movie with hillary duff that talks about a checklist for qualities that she looks for in a guy:) hmmm Called:
 >>The Business Of Falling In Love<<

<<<<<<<<Heres a picture of her in that ^^^^^ movie:)

Okay. Back On Topic

Girls Top Picks:
1. looks<< they want a man that the can show off!
2. funny<<<< he got to make us laugh:))
3. outgoing<<< approachable please
4. tall<<< protect us, and make up tip toe to kiss
5. charming<<< knows what to say, and when to say it:))

My List (Exclamation Point, Exclamation Point)
1.Funny * I love guys that can make me laugh*
2.Outgoing *i like guys that have lots of self confidence and with that they are not shy*
3. Smart *i want a guy that can get a job that is successful and good!*
4. Determined * i would like a guy that knows what he wants in life, and isn't afraid to fight for it*

so there you have it my top 4 qualities i would like to have in a guy. Comment yours:)

yours truly, miss mary:))


Get To Know Mary:) -mary

Hey guys <3,
 and girls?
its mary here with a get-to-know-me post.
People say im too hyper. I say "at least im not boring."
What i look like: (for all y'all curious readers) Blond, hazel eyes, 5 foot 4)
Okay got that part over with. Lets get to the juicy stuff.
hmmm. i have been single for about 10 months now. partly out choice and then partly out of i-can't-get-a-good-boyfriend syndrome.
I can't cook. but i can throw together breakfast or lunch.
i find everything funny, and laugh soo much during movies.
i hate going to the movies.
cheeseist date imaginably.
i dream about the future alot.
i suck face (inside joke) p.s. isnt what it sounds like:)
i hate april 1st a lot.
longest relanship: about 2 months. LAME RIGHT?
hobbies: swimming, soccer, makeup, fashion, hanging out with friends, blogging, reading(only good books).

hmmmmm anything else?

have any other questions just askkkkkkk:)

i <3 you,

the truth about LOVE:) -mary

I just wanted to share some news about love to the kids, teens, and just about everybody who reads this blog.

(gotta love, love)

So here is the low down on that 4 letter word us teenagers throw around so much. Cough Cough (LOVE) Cough

only tell somebody you love them when its really there.

hate is such a powerful word just like love.

 and i am a victim of telling everybody i know (boys and girls) about how much i love them. which is sweet. but instead i could just be like "omg you are such a good friend", instead of saying "i love you". i don't think love should be thrown around a high school so easily.

Random thought: Love isn't like it used to be. and love is defiantly not like those old romantic movies where washing the car or mowing the lawn could some how be romantic<3

the point of this post is just to think twice before you tell somebody you love them. In fact telling somebody you love them is the most powerful words you can ever say to someone. 

Love, <<<< by point exactly:)) 

The Party --Kera

January 21, 2011

There once was a party with 3 girls and 4 guys.
Kera(Me) with Quin
Mary(The one chick i do this blog with) with Cody
Geri with Chase
Joel with guitar

And at that 15th birthday party we started to play spin the bottle with an empty coke bottle. Everyone sat around a table and spun. Kera went first because it was her party.. and she ended up having to kiss Quin. The bad thing is, he had a girlfriend but who cares?? she didn't.. mostly because she likes him soo much!! 

Anyways after spin the bottle (which some pretty HOT stuff happenend(; wink wink) everyone started to play pool. Kera went to change her shirt because she got hot.. and who followed her into the room but Quin himself! so he laid down on the bed and Kera was in the closet but the door wasn't shut while she changed her shirt. 

When she came out of the closet Joel had come into the room and put a suitcase up against the door so no one could get in(; he then sat and looked out the window while playing the guitar for about five minutes. while Joel was there Kera and Quin just sat on the bed and talked for a bit.. but while she was in the closet Kera noticed that Quin had unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. 

After Joel had left they put the suitcase back up in front of the door as a lock. They then walked back to the bed, looked at each other... and that was when the real fun began! Kera and Quin started jumping on the bed and laughing a whole bunch. Then after a minute or so they both layed down next to each other for a minute or two, his pants still open mind you. Then he got onto his knees overtop of her, lifted his shirt and started moaning and slapping his tummy! it was halairous! everyone rushed to the door because they thought Quin and Kera were having sex! But then Kera started laughing so people thought they were just faking. so that was when Quin started to tickle Kera and she started to scream as he was moaning. it sounded completley like the real deal.  Thenthe faking stopped...(: and you know the rest... This all went on over the course of like an hour and it was one of the most memorable parts of that party. Kera came out of the bedroom first as she was fixing her hair and tieing up her shirt. Quin then came out behind her a couple seconds later with a huge smile on both of their faces. No one knows what actually happenend and if it was real or fake
and the best part of it all is that nobody actually knows what went down on that bed  (; <33




hey people that read blogs.

soo basically this blog is about two teenage girls, there experiences with life, and how there life is happening.

you should expect posts about sex, drugs, parties, god, life, school, chores, clothes, homework, boys, (and girls), a little 69 shall we?

i hope you enjoy reading about there experiences:)