Thursday, June 9, 2011

How 2 Rock High School@mary

Money is the center of all people, fakeness is the center of all high school. -ilikeweyli

Here are my tips on loving high school.

1. Homework is a big part of high school, you probably will get at least an hour of homework a night. high school will be a success for you if you do your homework. promise!

2. STUDY! no matter how hard to worked all year, it all comes down to the finals which can be worth 25% or more of you total grade.

3. dont protastianete. be a self started and get the most important thigns done first

1. find the fake people and have nothing to do with them. fake people will lie/cheat/steal to get on top and you dont want to be associated with somebody like that. ewww

2. know where you fit in, and dont push your boundaries. people hate it when unpopular people want to become popular. be nice and friends will come your way

3. have fun, good, clean friends. know who your true friends are

i hope this helped. have any tips/tricks/ideas just comment!

love, mary

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