Friday, May 20, 2011

Update of My Life- Keraa):

so im at marrys.. soo fun but i dont feel very yummy): everything is weird and upside down it feels like riht now in my life. my v-word hurts, no more soccer bc im not GOOD enough for them anymore, no date to a very thought was gonna be a great night but not to sure anymore night, no boyfriend or even close, my mom thinks im a lesbian with Marry (not true) , my tummy hurts like a beoootch!, my family think its funny that no guys like me, i guess eeryone thinks im mean when i act myself, i HAVE  to get a summer job curtousy of my mother, summer wont come soon enough, i really like a guy that wont make a move and another one that falls for all the wrong girls A.K.A whores, and i cant tell anyone this bc i really am scared of what someone would think.. ugh life!

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